Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Please help! I need this for my maths c/w - can you order the following samples of text in their readability.?

Easiest to read/understand







here they are:

1. Ramona did not answer. Instead she picked up a smooth pink worm that lay wriggling on the playground and, without really thinking, wound it around her finger.

‘Look!’ said...

2. The hill is further than it appeared. First sighting made it seem near enough to reach out and touch, but the strangeness of the light, joined with hope and expectation…

3. Lost in desperate speculation, Harry turned a corner, but he had taken only a few steps down the new corridor when the window to his left broke open with a…

4. Normally magicians are sworn to secrecy on how their tricks are done but Konnie has been given special permission to show you how to perform the first trick she ever…

5. Twinkle was peering at me from under the table and he immediately came out to greet me. He alternated between chirruping and purring and pacing round and round the two…

... will add more

Please help! I need this for my maths c/w - can you order the following samples of text in their readability.?
I'm not surprised people aren't jumping at the chance to read, process, and rank 18 entries for your homework.

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