Thursday, July 30, 2009

Math Help, desperate immediate ten points for first complete, correct and efficient answer.?

ok I'm just having fun with your minds ok, i'm not really desperate.

Describe each set by using set builder notation / set notation


a) {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}

b) {121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 400, 441, 484, 529, 576, 625}

2 write an expression using set operations ( union, intersection, subtraction)

a) the set of students in a scholl taking tutorial in at least one of the three subjects.

b)The set of students at the scholl taking both english and math but not science

c)the set of students at a school taking exactly one of the three subjects.

you are truly wise if you get all answers correct, oh and I need an answer not an explaination

Math Help, desperate immediate ten points for first complete, correct and efficient answer.?
1.a) The set of powers of 2 from 2^0 to 2^4 (or between1 and 16)

1b) The set of square numbers between 120 and 625 - or the set of the squares of numbers between and equal to11 and 25

2a) let the set taking tutorials in the three subjects be A, B and C then A U B U C is what we want

b using E for the set of English, M Maths, S Science

nb the set of 'not science' is S'

=E intersection Maths intersection S'

c = M intersection E' intersection S' U M' intersect E intersect S' U M' intersect E' intersect S

Please try to understand so you learn for the future.

a) multiply each n.o. by 2

b) starting from 12^2 then the next n.o. to the power of 2 and so on





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