Monday, May 24, 2010

Need help with math?

1)Quadrilateral MATH has vertices M(-1,4), A(4,7), T(7,2) and H(2,-1) Prove that MATH is a square.

2) In triangle ABC angle A=65 and angle C=60. Which is the shortest side of the triangle?

3) If tan A= 3/4 find angle A to the nearest degree.

4) In isoscles triangle ABC, AB is congruent to CB. Find angle B, if angle A=5x-4 and angle C=2x+20

5)The altitude to the hypotenuse of the right triangle divides the hypotenuse into two segments of lengths 3 and 12. What is the length of the altitude?

6) If the length of one side of a rectangle is 8 and the length of a diagnol is 10, find the area of the rectangle

7) Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram measure 2x+10 and x-10. What is the value of x?

8) Which quadrilateral must have congruent diagnols?

9)What is the y intercept of the graph of the equation y=2x^2-5x+7?

10)WXYZ os a parallelogram. YZ is extended to point V. WZ is congruent to VZ, and angle V=50. Find angle ZWX.

Step by step please? If you know any answer then please.

Need help with math?
1) find equations for each of the four lines. show that the opposite lines have parallel slopes. Then show that the lengths of all four lines are equal.

2) the side between the two smallest angles (B and C) will be the shortest. (sum angles = 180, so C=55)

3) tan^-1(.75) = .64

4) angle A = angle C. 2(5x-4) = (2x + 20). x = 3.5 A = C = 27

2(27) + B = 180. B = 126

5) 3,4,5 triangle. so sides are 9,12,15. i don't know how to finish

6) 3,4,5 triangle again. so second side of rectangle is 6. 6*8 = 48

7) consecutive angles sum to 180 degrees. 2x + 10 + x - 10 = 180. x = 60

8) rectangle

9) y intercept where x = 0. y intercept = 7

10) the way i drew this, angle ZVW and angle ZWV are congruent. so angle WZV equals 180-2*50 = 80. Therefore, angle WZY = 180 - 80 = 100. consecutive angles in a parallelogram sum to 180, so ZWX = 180 - 100 = 80

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