Saturday, May 22, 2010

Math help! Find a Temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius?

I need to answer 4 math questions using the formulas:

F= 9/5C + 32 or C= 5/9 (F - 32)

1.) What is the temperature in degrees Fahrenehit when it is

0° C?

2.) What is the Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit when it is


3.) What is the temperature in degrees Celsiui when it is

- 4°F?

4. What is the temperature in degrees Celsius when it is


Any help would be appreciated. I have no idea how to use those formulas. Thanks

Math help! Find a Temperature in either Fahrenheit or Celsius?
F= 9/5C + 32

1.) What is the temperature in degrees Fahrenehit when it is

0° C?

you substitute C =0 into the equation

F = 9/5(0) +32 = 0 +32 =32 F


2.) What is the Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit when it is


you substitute C =100 into the equation

F =9/5(100) +32 = 900/5 +32 =180 +32 =212 degrees F


3.) What is the temperature in degrees Celsius when it is

- 4°F?

you substitute F = -4 into the equation

C= 5/9 (F - 32) to get

C = 5/9(-4 -32) =5/9(-36) = -(5/9)(36) = -20 C


4. What is the temperature in degrees Celsius when it is


you substitute F = 77 into the equation

C= 5/9 (F - 32) to get

C = 5/9(77 -32) = 5/9(45) = 25 C

Good luck!
Reply:You just sub in the value that is given to solve for what ever it is that you are looking for....

1) F = 9/5(C+32) = 9/5(0+32) = 57.6

2) F = 9/5(100+32) = 9/5(132) = 237.6

3) C = 5/9(F-32) = 5/9((-4)-32) = 5/9 (-36) = -20

4) C = same as #3 just subbing in different #s ---- = 22.8

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