Monday, May 24, 2010

Math HW Help?

Please Help Me With These Math Questions:

1) multiply (a-3b) (2a+2b)

2) find the G.F.C of 12a^3 b^2 and 18a^2 b

3)simply each expression

a. 24x^2 y b. 24 x^6 y^4 c. 3a^2 + 5^a - 11

---------- ------------- ( - )11a^2 + 2a - 1

6xy^3 6x^3 y^3 ---------------------

d. 3x^3 + 2x^2 - 5 e. product of 6a^2 b and 3a^2 b^2

( + ) -8x^3 + 3x

find the value of x.

find the length of AB


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Math HW Help?
x = 6

y = -2
Reply:1.) (a-3b) (2a+2b) = 2a^2 - 4ab - 6b^2

2.) 6a^2

the other ones i have no idea what you are trying to ask and don't make sense.
Reply:1) 2a^2 - 6b^2 -4ab


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