Monday, May 24, 2010

Difficult Math Problem?

So I'm doing math homework and it was all pretty easy until this came up.....I don't really know where to even begin somebody help please

Suppose you are at a gas station filling your tank with gas. The Function C(g) represents the cost C of filling up the gas tank with g gallons. Given the equation C(g)=3.03(g)

What does the Number 3.03 represent?

Find C(2)

Find C(9)

For the average motorist, name one value for g that would be inappropriate for this function's purpose. Explain why you chose the number you did.

If you were to graph C(g) what would be an appropriate domain? Range? Explain your reasoning.

Difficult Math Problem?
It is saying that it costs $3.03 per gallon of gas. It wants you to find out how much it costs when you buy two gallons of gas and nine gallons of gas. For two gallons, take 2 times $3.03, which is $6.06. For nine gallons, take 9 times $3.03, which is $27.27.

Then it asks for an inappropriate value for g (how many gallons a person buys). Obviously a negative number would not work.

For the domain and range, you can buy anywhere from zero gallons to an infinite amount, so it would be from zero to infinity.

I hope that this helps you!
Reply:Hey Patricia,

This is a typical function problem.

The number 3.03 represents the cost per gallon of gas.

So, for every one gallon you purchase, you have to pay $3.03.

When you are asked to find C(2), it is actually asking you to find the the cost of 2 gallons. So, just substitute 2 in for g in the equation. So you get:

C(2) = 3.03(2)

= 6.06

So, the cost of 2 gallons is $ 6.06.

Similarly, C(9) is 27.27.

So, the cost of 9 gallons is $27.27.

The one number that would be inappropriate is -1 or any negative number. Because you cannot buy -2 gallons!

It is just not logical.

So, any negative number would be inappropriate for this function.

If I am to graph C(g), the appropriate domain will be 0 to infinity.

As I said before, you cannot buy -1 gallons.

The range will be 0 to infinity because if you bought 0 gallons, the cost would be $ 0.

Hope that helps!
Reply:3.03 per gallon and then multiply x2 and then x9

morning glory

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