Sunday, August 2, 2009

Worried about Math portion of SATs?

Math has always been my WEAKEST subject. Ever since Freshman year, my first Cs were in Math.

Geometry: B-

Algebra 3-4 Honors: C-

And now I'm taking Pre-Calculus.

I'm worried about the Math portion of the SATs, and I want to know exactly what I'm going against. Reading is no problem for me, it's one of my best subjects. But for the math part, I want to know any strategies that would keep my score at least at the 500-600 range, maybe better.

So those that have taken the SATs, PLEASE help!

Worried about Math portion of SATs?
The main thing you need to remember about the SAT's is that the math is algebra and geometry only. The math is not very complex. I suggest buying a college board study book, or a Princeton review book so you can practice the types of problems. The more you familiarize your self with old concepts that you used 3 years ago, the better you will do. Just review and you will do fine. A good strategy is the just think about your answer and ask yourself if it makes sense. Sometimes one the answers doesn't make any sense and you can just eliminate it. Good luck
Reply:Buy a Kaplan or Princeton Review study book, you'll probably be fine. The SAT only goes through basic geometry, algebra, and arithmetic... you're lucky because you've just gotten out of those classes. Shouldn't be too hard to get a 700 really as long as you study for it. I got a 700 on my math section without having gone over the material in about... 3 years.

Study geometry! it's like half the test :(

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